Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She received her diploma in 2018 at the Faculty of Painting in the laboratory of Prof. Jarosław Modzelewski with a textile annex made under the direction of Prof. Dorota Grynczel and Dr. Tomasz Milanowski. Previously, she studied painting at the European Academy of Arts in Warsaw with a diploma in the studio of Professor Antoni Fałat.
Currently, she focuses on easel painting, on fabric and other substrates. She also creates collages, assemblages and linocuts.
“Life is like a meandering river with lots of river basins. It’s made up of various events. Every one of my paintings is a point in my life that deserves to be hibernated. While painting I try to enter the spiritual world, through form and colour, to find peace, harmony and beauty. In spite of our current anti-aesthetic and iconoclastic attitude.”
Jolanta Mikuła
2015 – Distinction in the Artistic Fabrics Studio led by Prof. Dorota Grynczel, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2015 – Distinction in the Studio of Knowledge about Actions and Visual Structures led by Prof. Jacek Dyrzyński, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2014 – Distinction in the Painting Studio led by Prof. Marian Czapla, Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw
2014 – Distinction in the Artistic Fabrics Studio led by Prof. Dorota Grynczel, Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw
Individual exhibitions
2020 – Tulipan i inne [Tulip and others], Wojciech Fangor Manor House, Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden – CZRB in Powsin
2019 – Wokół Dekalogu / Pejzaż [Around the Decalogue / Landscape], Municipal Public Library, Raszyn
2017 – Poruszenia [Movements], Silk Paintings, Gallery Q , Cultural Centre, Raszyn
2014 – Debiuty [Debuts], Gallery 022, Artist’s House, Warsaw
2014 – Wszystko Zmienne [All Variables], “Łazienkowska” Gallery of Young Artists, Warsaw
Selected group exhibitions
2019 – Obraz z pracowni [Picture from the studio], DAP Gallery, House of the Artist, Warsaw
2017 – 100% Silk, Silk Paintings, Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz Museum in Stawisko
2016 – Obraz. Struktura. Przestrzeń. [Image. Structure. Space] – Action Gallery, Warsaw
2015 – X Festiwal Otwarte Ogrody [10th Open Gardens Festival], Milanówek 2015
2015 – Struktury [Structures], “Łazienkowska” Gallery of Young Artists, Warsaw
2015 – Co jest ważne [What’s important], Skwer Gallery, Branch of the Artistic Centre Fabryka Trzciny, Warsaw
2014 – Chapeau Bas, Styk Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
2014 – Miasto Gwiazd czyli Interdyscyplinarny Festiwal Sztuk [City of the Stars or Interdisciplinary Art Festival], Żyrardów
2014 – 1st Milanow Biennale of Painting on Silk, Milanowek
Opinions and reviews
„Jolanta Mikuła – in search of her identity and her way to the next years – has decided to continue her journey through life with art. Her studies and knowledge received from the masters allowed her to freely choose the technique or topics. Maturity and life experience, reflections on the transience of the moment motivated her to undertake two projects “Around the Decalogue” and “Landscape”. Attempts to depict them led to common conclusions and integration of both cycles. The artist has synthesized and interpreted the reality, transforming it into harmonious, sophisticated color compositions.
For the exhibition in the Botanical Garden, the artist touches upon a theme with floral motifs. However, this is not a typical still life. Floristic floral compositions are not the subject of her interest. She has been fascinated with floral nuances, fragments of flowers or plants captured in the picture frame. One of them is characterized by a muted palette evoking a mood of reverie and melancholy. In others, the artist deliberately uses a motive, reducing it from a depicting form to a sign, in a way synthesizing the topic. The floral phantoms in Jolanta Mikuła’s paintings are an expression of her sensual view of the world. She knows that there is nothing more sensual than flowers with their erotic forms. In many of her paintings, she is surprised by the conciseness of treating the subject, which becomes only a pretext for her own interpretation and for conveying subjective emotions, sensations or atmosphere. The flowers in the pictures by the artist do not smell, but, just like in nature, they are pleasing to the eyes and … they do not really require any commentary”.
Mira Walczykowska (May 2020)
Painting exhibition “TULIPAN AND OTHERS”, Gallery in Wilia Janówek (Wojciech Fangor’s Manor House), CZRB Botanical Garden in Powsin, 2020
“Mrs. Jolanta Mikuła defended with a very good result a diploma in painting made under my direction. Trying to interpret the Decalogue theme, important for her, she faced a key challenge for the artist to find adequate means of expression. For this, she used the human figure, face, but most of all the landscape, which is closest to her. The motif of landscape has undergone a profound evolution in her work, from representations that are close to realism, to compositions that almost enter the area of abstraction, compositions that use synthetic, facial profile, form. A sparing, sophisticated range of colors is an additional value of her paintings. I think that while working on this series, Jolanta Mikuła has gained a lot of creative experience and entered the path of conscious use of art to express her important beliefs and values.”
Jarosław Modzelewski (5 July 2018)